Petr Homolka, Project Manager

Home school: University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Host school: GSOM, St Petersburg, Russia
Original NGC project: Jusoor, Summer 2019

Welcome to the NGC Board, Petr! Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? How did you first get involved with NGC?

Well, in a nutshell, I come from the Czech Republic, I started the CEMS program in the Fall of 2018 in Prague, and I did my exchange in St. Petersburg in the Spring of 2019. On a personal note, I used to play football as a kid, and, at some point, I was a semi-professional, but it is just a hobby now.

Before and during my first year of the CEMS program, I worked with some NGOs, and I knew that I wanted to keep this kind of work in my life, so I was proactively looking for ways to do that. I didn’t find an internship last summer, but I didn’t want to just waste it doing nothing, so I was really glad to have found the opportunity to work on an NGC summer project.

I thought the Jusoor project sounded really intriguing and challenging and was going to be a great fit with my studies and prior work experience since one of the NGOs I used to work in Prague with was helping kids that came from socially disadvantaged family backgrounds, and I would help and tutor them after school. Also, as a true CEMSie, I appreciated the international aspects of my situation – a Czech student, spending his summer in Paris, helping kids from Syria.

Since your experience is still fairly fresh, is there anything, in particular, you would want to highlight about the Jusoor project?

Well, as predicted, the project turned out great. I enjoyed working on this topic, alongside other CEMSies, and delivering value to the client.

The team was put together like a well-fitting puzzle – I learned quickly that all CEMSies are super bright and excel at certain things. Identifying those strengths and leveraging them was the key to maximize our results. I enjoyed the vibes and dynamics within our team, and I felt like I was part of something truly valuable.

I also enjoyed working with the client, on the challenge at hand. Coincidentally Grace Atkinson, the CEO of Jusoor was also in Paris during the project, so we were able to meet up a few times, and I really enjoyed this personal aspect. I learned a ton both from her directly and from working on the project about the political situation and changes in the region, which is also one of my major interests.

Additionally, I felt throughout the project that our work is appreciated and not taken for granted, which kept me motivated. I think whenever you volunteer or work for an NGO, this rewarding feeling is your ultimate engine.

That sounds great! So, if I understand correctly, you are finishing up your studies right now, writing your thesis, getting ready to get your career started. What are your plans?

Exactly. Thanks to COVID-19, my plans are yet to be seen. Originally, I would be in Amsterdam right now, working for Heineken, but my internship was canceled. I was supposed to be a project manager for a sustainability project in Africa, Middle East, and Eastern Europe.

This leaves me more time to work on my thesis. I finally seem to have found the perfect topic for it. One of my friends, who is approximately the same age as me, has been suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome for over a year now, and there is barely any knowledge and awareness about this, and a very limited amount of help from the government or the “system”. Since I am also looking into starting my own NGO here, in Prague, I want to merge these two endeavors, and research and write my thesis about starting an NGO in the Czech Republic for this issue.

Of course, ultimately, I will need to look for a job that will pay the bills, but this is my primary focus for the summer, and we will see what opportunities arise. A lot depends on the pandemic, as well, so I am pretty open in terms of industries and companies.

I see, so you are definitely keeping busy, and you also took on the project manager role at NGC. What are you looking to take away from this, and what are you planning to implement as a new PM?

Even though I do have some experience running a team as I was one of the main directors of the V4 conference in Prague, I would certainly like to learn more about managing and leading people. I am also looking forward to the diverse and challenging work environment – learning all sorts of things from clients and CEMSies alike.

As a new PM, I would love to find ways how to help all the consultants get the same kind of experience I had while working with Jusoor. I am sure that most of them will have so much to offer and I see my role as of someone who will try to keep them motivated and ideally mix the best possible cocktail of their knowledge and skills in order to deliver superb results for our clients.

Thanks for your time Petr, and I wish you the best of luck with your debut Speed Up Education project as our PM!